Friday, January 27, 2012


So, I decided what I want to write this blog about. It's going to be a mix of what it's like to go through military life and also just random things that happen in my life. This post, however, is going to be a sort of vent. So here we go.

Does anyone else get annoyed when you see this: "I miss my soldier/marine/airman so much! He just left for boot camp and I miss him.". I for one know it drives me insane. They are not a soldier/marine/airman until they have graduated boot camp and EARNED that title. And frankly it bothers me so much because I feel it's a little disrespectful to the ones who have earned it. So if you're one of those girls who refers to her RECRUIT as a soldier, please don't. It's incorrect and annoying.

Ok now that I've gotten that off my chest I feel that I can move on with other topics in this post.

So......many of you may be wondering what entitles me to write about military life. Well, where do I begin. When I was born my dad was an officer in the U.S. Navy. He was gone for a good chunk of my childhood. I remember making those paper chains out of red and orange paper, and every day my younger brother and I would rip one off. I don't remember homecomings. I was too young. I also don't remember him leaving. But I do remember life being a lot different when he was gone. I do remember going to airshows as a kid. And I do remember having to pick up my life and move multiple times. I remember wondering why I was the one who had to say goodbye to my friends, why I was the one who always had to start over in a new town and a new school. And I remember getting comfortable in one place and then having to move again. And that didn't stop when my dad retired. Even after he retired it was like my parents were too restless in one place to stay there and let me get comfortable and build friendships. And I got tired of it quick. I look at people around me and sometimes I'm jealous that they have friends that have been there since preschool, and I don't have that. But my parents did the best they could with the life they had chosen for me.

And now that I'm an adult I've chosen to be with a United States Marine. Some people might ask me why I chose to be with a military man if I hated it so much. Well, the answer to that is simple. I didn't fall for him for his uniform. I fell for him for who he is. His uniform and his career are just something that he does, it doesn't define who he is or why I love him. It's just something that we both will have to deal with until he gets out. And I'm prepared to do that for him. <3

I think that's it.....



  1. It bothers me too but it's not that bad, I mean a lot of people just don't know, I don't think they're intentionally trying to shrug off the achievements of other people or be offensive, I think they just don't know. I know I had confusion as to what to call my husband during that time, hah!

  2. Amelia you're right. Just when it's 2 am and I haven't slept, things seem to bother me more than usual haha.
